September 18, 2009, Newsletter Issue #50: Ergonomic Computer Furniture

Tip of the Week

Ergonomic computer furniture is becoming more and more important as the Internet Age continues and people spend increasing amounts of time on the computer for business and personal use. A common source of neck pain is computer screens placed at the incorrect height. The screen should be elevated to eye level so you do not have to bend your neck and look downward.

Wrist and forearm pain often stems from having to hold them in locked positions above a mouse or keyboard. The wrist and forearm need to be relaxed or you will start to feel both joint and muscular pain that could become chronic.

So if you want to create an ergonomic office environment, it does not stop with a nice chair. Computer desks need to have an elevated platform for screens so that they are at eye level. If you use a laptop, there are inexpensive shelf-like products that will lift the computer to the proper height for you. Then use a wireless keyboard and mouse and you will notice your neck is much more comfortable.

For the wrist and forearm, ergonomic gel pads can be placed in front of the keyboard and mouse for your wrist to lay on while typing or moving the mouse. This allows your wrist to relax, relieving the tension that builds up all the way through the forearm to the elbow without these gel pads.

A truly ergonomic design of the office environment includes computer desks just as much as it does office chairs.

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