December 18, 2009, Newsletter Issue #63: Executive Couches

Tip of the Week

Couches are a common piece of executive office furniture these days. You do not have to be a psychiatrist to have one in your office. But the couch in an office should be distinguishable from a couch in the family room of your home.

Here you are looking for a balance between comfort and professionalism. The couch should not seem out of place with the style of executive desks and chairs in an office. It should complement the rest of the office décor.

While it does not have to be the exact same color or style as the rest of your furniture, it needs to fit in the picture without looking like it was thrown in at the last minute. When you go out to buy an office couch keep in mind the style and design of the rest of the office furniture. Ask yourself is the couches you are considering will fit or if they will be out of place. Are they the right size? Color? Shape?

And try the couch out first. Make sure it is comfortable. It may feel a little stiff at first because couches need to be broken in, but you should be able to get a good idea of what it will feel like after a while. Can you live with both the look and comfort level?

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