Ordering banquet seating is not like ordering flowers or DVDs over the Internet. Shipping charges on items like those are easily affordable. A hundred banquet chairs are heavier and would cost more to ship.
So when you place your order, look for offers that help you to offset that shipping charge or eliminate it altogether. For example, companies like BizChair.com regularly offer deals on larger numbers of chairs. So if you order something like 50 chairs or more, you could end up getting free shipping, and that saves you quite a bit of cash.
It is also not uncommon for them to offer a free chair dolly with such an order. A dolly allows you to place multiple chairs on it at once and move them wherever you need to. This is much easier than carrying individual chairs in your hands every time they are needed. And the odds are good that if you need 50 or more chairs, you probably will end up needing to purchase a chair dolly anyway. So why not get one for free?
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